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'moghul period mosque -
Rajshahi Bangladesh'
umanity's attempts to leave lasting architectural legacies are constantly challenged by nature. Centuries of winds, rains and sunrays, overwhelm our effort to leave a mark. Increases in urbanization are an equal threat to obliterating historical architecture. Buildings dating from an older period are neglected, giving way to the spread of modern urban development.

Neither nature nor humanity's forces, however, can hide the splendor of historical architecture, or anything old for that matter. It has only become a greater challenge to discover this. I am required to look more observantly in order to see these effects, that only time can create.

I look for the old and tarnished and prefer its history and inner beauty over the new and polished. This has formed my opinion that decay is beautiful, unlike the traditional perception of decay, originating from the Latin word 'decidere', <de-DOWN + cadere FALL> 'downfall, to fail slowly in beauty, quality or any form of excellence'. I feel that this rotting away can be viewed from a different perspective that brings to light an altered reality, inspired by the interaction between time and form. The forces of nature fashion a beauty that only they can create. I perceive this decay as an enhancement, and not a flaw. To me, decay is not a downfall, in quality or excellence. It is an awakening, for those who detect it.

In these days of change, art has the ability to capture forever the images of old architecture, and to uncover the beauty that surrounds us. From thatched houses to stone fortresses in Mozambique, from ancient pharaonic temples to the sidewalks of Cairo, there emerges many images transcending the decadence that appears on the surface.

I feel that it is my responsibility as an artist to capture this effect and present it for everyone to appreciate. My constant self-teachings and natural abilities have enabled me to translate the beauty of decay into a painting, giving it more essence. I hope that those of you viewing these works leave with a restored vision to perceive the enchanted detail that surrounds us every day.